Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weight loss journey post #1

I have been struggling with my weight for the last 3 years. I have had a lot of time in my hands to cook, bake and experiment and I've become a pretty good cook.

I notice that I like to cook whenever I feel bored because. I really like creating nice food with my hands and then what happens after cooking? I'll eat it. ALL OF IT!
I like to eat when I'm bored too. I feel hungry when I'm bored and I just want to eat something nice and sweet or sometimes even savoury. Somehow some dopamines or something are set off in my brain which makes me feel happy and comforted when I eat.

I'm going to use a new tactic on myself. I'm gonna ask myself
"Are you TRULY hungry or is it some mouth craving?"

If it's a mouth craving, I'm going to try to solve it by having some fruit or floral tea.
I just got two boxes of tea from T2. The fruitalicious one which smells fantastic, and the sleep one. Which has chamomile and peppermint. chamomile helps me feel less anxious and relaxes me.

It's a little sour but it's possibly because I leave it in long enough

Loose leaf  looks so pretty with those rose and lavender petals

I really love T2 and the great thing is that there is one at 313 sommerset!

Ok so i'm gonna try this tea thing and see how it goes.
btw, i'm like 78kg now. yes that's really heavy and I can't believe I'm telling the internet.
My goal is to lose 10 kg by Christmas.
So that's about one kilo a month. I'll let you know all my hopes and goals in the next post.
Right now, every gram loss counts and even if I mess up and eat too much for one meal, I shouldn't feel like a failure and just scrap the whole diet. Mess up one time, try to make sure I don't the next time. I CAN DO THIS!

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