Monday, March 4, 2013

The doggy cam

So I got a camera that is linked to my house wifi so I can spy on the little pooch when I'm out. Got it from challenger for like 40 bucks! :) cheap and great!
I'm gonna draw him into a cartoon soon :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

dog sleeping places.

I came across this blog online. it's so cool...
ideas for dog sleeping spaces.

Kenji is getting crate trained so he is sleeping in the playpen for now.


So we brought Kenji home on Sunday 24th Feb...
He's a pug btw.
He was sort of a birthday gift. 

He is the sweetest thing ever. 

I had to pet proof my whole room cause of him coming. but it's good cause now my room is extra neat and clean. 
